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tekanan lebih bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tekanan lebih"
  • tekanan:    compression; depression; extrusion; inflationar;
  • lebih:    extra; more; much; past; plus; -er; least; more
  • tekanan-lebih:    overpressure
  • tekanan:    compression; depression; extrusion; inflationar; oppression; pressure; stress; press; stressed; tautness; imperativeness; atmospheric pressure; air pressure; insistence; force per unit area; influen
  • lebih:    extra; more; much; past; plus; -er; least; more than; surplusage; best; greater; excessively; excess; nimiety; surplus; most; outrageous; too; to a greater extent; very
  • lebih-lebih:    either; furthermore; moreover; what is / what’s more; remnant; leftover; remains
  • batas tekanan:    limiting pressure
  • bidang tekanan:    pressure-area
  • dibawah tekanan:    hard pressed
  • fron tekanan:    pressure front
  • garis-tekanan:    center of pressure
  • ginjatan tekanan:    pressure fluctuation
  • gradien tekanan:    pressure gradient
  • jatuh tekanan:    pressure drop
  • kakas tekanan:    pressure force
  • Extra emphasis to sell the lie.
    Tekanan lebih untuk meyakinkan kebohongan.
  • Same team, less pressure.
    Tim sama, Tekanan lebih ringan.
  • 3.Digital display pressure gauge0.1MPa,Pressure control is more accurate.
    3. digital display tekanan gauge0.1mpa, kontrol tekanan lebih akurat.
  • 3. Imported brand oil pump, higher pressure,
    3. Pompa oli merek impor, tekanan lebih tinggi,
  • B. Thicker housing and rib design can withstand more pressure
    B. Perumahan yang lebih tebal dan desain rusuk bisa menahan tekanan lebih
  • Pneumatic structure design, the transfer process more stable, the pressure more evenly;
    Desain struktur pneumatik, proses transfer lebih stabil, tekanan lebih merata;
  • Hydraulic structure design, the transfer process more stable, the pressure more evenly;
    Desain struktur hidrolik, proses transfer lebih stabil, tekanan lebih merata;
  • Hydraulic structure design, the transfer process is more stable, more uniform pressure;
    Desain struktur hidrolik, proses transfer lebih stabil, tekanan lebih seragam;
  • Pneumatic structure design, the transfer process is more stable, more uniform pressure;
    Desain struktur pneumatik, proses transfer lebih stabil, tekanan lebih seragam;
  • With oil - gas shift cylinder, ensuring a more stable pressure bronzing.
    Dengan minyak - gas shift silinder, memastikan bronzing tekanan lebih stabil.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5